Past, Present and Future

In much the same way as years after the death of our Lord Jesus Christ became known as “Anno Domini”(after death) I suppose 2022 onwards will be known as “PC” not as an adjective but as a noun ie “Post Covid”!  We have had to start up all over again our meetings and parades with alas some of the usual faces missing, such are the ravages of time and ageing, not to memtion Covid19. We are however well on the road to re-establishing our calender of events and hopefully the coming year will see us back to our usual vibrant selves, enacting in real terms, our motto “not for ourselves but for others”.

We continue to assist where needed and as I write this report your branch is activelly engaged in assisting needy persons with their nutritional needs via the assistance of Meals on Wheels. Here perhaps I might make an appeal to our members to act as our eyes and ears on the ground in order that we might assist those in need. All applications for help are assesed and where necessary verified, our purse is not bottomless but where possible we really do try to make a diference.

When they have been held we have activelly supported our Sister Veteran organisations, MOTH, Gunners, 61 Mech etc., in the holding of parades and functions and expect our calender to be even fuller in the future as normality re-asserts itself. If the Veteran community does not stand together and support each other each singular organisation will surely wither and die, in the words of a muscateer or three “All for one and one for all”!

Financially we are sound. Whilst not wanting to steel the thunder from the Treasurer our accounts show that when money is raised it is well looked after and spent meaningfully without waste. Long may this state of affairs continue. On the subject of finance I appeal to all members to assist in our fund raising efforts, either actively by shaking a tin or by using your 3rd party friends to help sell raffle tickets etc. Experience has shown us that the more feet we have on the ground the larger the amount raised.

Poppy Day and the relevant acts of remembrance continue to be the highlite of our year, both financialy and figuretevly. I think I can safely say that the SA Legion is considered the bench mark to which many aspire to when it comes to the organisation and implementation of formal events, parades etc. Members are to be commended for their turnout and their Parat attitude, they are a credit both to their branch in particular and the SA Legion in general.

On the subject of membership ouroverall numbers remain constant but I take this opportunity to appeal to all those present to make a particular effort to gain just one new member. If we all do that we double our membership overnight!

We endeavored to hold the usual quarterly meetings which were in general well attended with some interesting topics for discussion from both members and guests. Here I would make a plea for any member who is willing or knows somebody who is willing; to come and address the members at one of our future meetings, to make themselves available on any subject that they might feel is of interest to the members. Your current committee’s imagination is being stretched to the limit at this time looking for subjects for future discussion! On the subject of meetings we held the branches Centenary “Birthday Bash”, cake et al, great fun was had by all who attended and we look forward to the next hundred years with confidence.

Finally it would be remiss of me if I did not pay tribute to my fellow members of the EXCO committee. Daryl, Tertia, Jan, Noel, Gordon, Chris & the Padre. They made what could have been an onerous task pleasant, without their assistance I could not have completed the mission.

Onwards and Upwards!

Terry Pattison MMM, JCD.
Chairman, Port Elizabeth Branch.

This page updated on 17 July 2022
